A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Learning to love my MAC

So my new Macbook Pro arrived by Fed Ex last week
It's really a beautiful machine, all shiny and new.
The keypad lights up, it has a large, incredibly clear screen, perfect for my photo editing .
I can sit anywhere with it, I'm no longer chained to my desk top in the family room with my back to my husband ( I really hated that)

Now I just have to learn how to use it...

It's not as easy as it looks.
All the things I know so well on my PC do not exist on my MAC.
I am told, when I do learn how to use this machine I will
For now I will be patient and try not to get frustrated, I don't have a "Mac user" in the house to answer my questions and show me shortcuts. My "Mac user" lives and hour and a half away, and a phone call doesn't really do it for me since the way I learn is to watch and see how things are done.
So for now I'll use my trial & error mentality, and continue to go through the wonderful tutorials Apple provides online.
I know I will eventually be efficient with my Mac and I will learn to use it with ease, I'm excited to learn all the fun things I can do with it. I will update in a few weeks and let you know how it's going....
wish me luck :)


  1. Good luck! Sorry, I am no good to you, I know nothing about those alien machines :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ask me i'm a whizz a puters. LOL

  4. One reason I keep my PC.....for the help. Nate could have helped you with the Mac....but he leaves for WSU today. :(

    Keep at it! Learning is always a good thing.

  5. Just remember AJ that this key http://tinyurl.com/2f5vo5k acts as your "ctrl" key from your PC. You can do all the same commands "ctrl c, ctrl v, etc" except it'll just be "apple c, apple v, etc" so if that helps you any. maybe you knew that.

    to right click, you will use your "control" key and your mouse/pad to "click" on things. hold the "control" key down and click on things.

    Maybe those things will help you get started! those short commands saved me! Good luck, and Brice is right..you will love it when you learn it! so much more you will be able to do with your pictures. you'll really enjoy it! takes getting used to though. hang in there!
