A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Two days off...two day full of things to do !

Gotta have them "days off", but are they really "days off" ?

Yesterday I made a stop into my mom & dad's for a visit and then out mow dad's yard. I told dad it's the closest thing I'll ever be to a "farmer". Afterwards I headed home to put some more clothes out on the line, then over to Brie & Chris's to watch "sweet pea" (Audrey). I decided we needed to head over to the park but it was not a good idea in the 90+ degree weather, needless to say, we didn't stay long. Got back home about 5:30 started some cleaning, had some supper then Rick & I went to "Inception"....good movie! Got home from the movie and finished cleaning, done at 10:30 :)

Day 2...
another 90+ degree day, let's not even mention the humidity, blahhhhhhh
Got up and headed to Caribou to start my day.
To calm my over-reactive mind, I had to make a list of all the places
I needed to get to today
I got everything accomplished with time to spare.
(took that time to spare to fold the clothes that I washed yesterday)


  1. what did you get at Toys R Us and Staples? And what do you get at Aldi? I'm nosy, haha. You are a busy lady!

  2. I did not know roch had an Aldi!!!

  3. Busy, busy, busy. Thanks again for the mow job.

  4. I'm tired just reading your post!
