A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Childhood memories

Audrey's not sure what to think about this "dollie" that her Great-Grandma Mary made for her.

It's a beautiful little "flower doll" made from the bloom of a holly hock.
They are a delicate little doll and as you can see Audrey is about to pull her apart in the picture on the right.

My mom used to make them for us at my Grandma's farm
we were always (and still are) amazed at the pretty little dainty Holly Hock dolls.

I wish I had a picture of the willow whistles mom used to make us at Grandma's farm too. They were the coolest ever whistles made out of a Willow tree branch.

This is a picture I found on the internet that is similar to the whistle that mom made, I cant tell you how cool of a process it is to make these, mom always did the carving but we got to help a bit with other parts of making them.
I gotta find me a willow branch and have mom make me one of these
Just like the good old days :)


  1. cool! I didn't know you guys made whistles like that, how fun. I love the pictures of Audrey with the holly hock doll, I'll have to learn how to do that.

  2. It would be fun to make them again. We will have to go willow hunting someday.

  3. those whistles look cool! Gran is so creative! :) Good thing those "dollies" can be made over and over again; little hands like to rip things apart!

  4. Sweet, Jackie. I can see why you love these hollyhock dolls so.
