A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Time...like a handful of sand

Normal day,
Let me be aware of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
Oh this one hit home with me,
The older I get the faster time seems to be to going .
Is that because I'm wishing it away without even knowing it?

Like instead of "cursing" the red light, (because I "Need to get somewhere).... I should be enjoying God's artwork in the sky :)

...and noticing the little hydrangea nestled under the leaves, instead of passing by quickly wishing the "dumb thing would flower"

appreciate this phlox that adorns my front garden with all summer,never-ending blooms.
Going for a walk with my camera and noticing this little plant....

..the one we used to pick as kids and suck the sweet juice out of the purple flower
I think we called it a honey suckle...seemed appropriate.

Taking time to notice the butterfly hidden well amoung the grass & weeds.
Do you see it?

There he is...God's way of keeping him safe.

Being glad this big-guy is in the empty lot and not my yard.
not sure I've ever seen a dandelion that's 8 inches tall.

visiting one of my favorite roads...in the country (but just on the edge of the city)

Yep...same road, different day :)

Graduation photoshoot with Sara (a few years ago)
Thank goodness everything doesn't happen at once!
I hope to slow down and notice the world around me
Enjoy each day...each moment,
relax a little bit more and enjoy the time God has given me here on earth.


  1. so true. Thanks for that Blog. I really liked it. Sometimes i often find myself wishing i would slow down more often and enjoy the "here and now". It's a goal of mine to remember to stop and smell the roses.

    love you AJ!

  2. I also wanted to tell you that your blog inspired me the other day to notice all the little works of art that God put in my path. It was amazing how many times i've walked past the same places and never noticed the beauty before. Thanks for inspiring me!

  3. Matthew 6:30-34 is a good reminder to appreciate the here and now:) Love your perspective!
