A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers...oh my.

We really had a nice relaxing weekend, in nutshell we hung out with Audrey Friday night, Saturday rick and I enjoyed time together, just hanging out and running errands, Saturday night we went to that new animated owl movie. Today we hung out some more, then enjoyed spending time with Brianna, Chris, Audrey and of course Gavin.
we ended the weekend with a fabulous bonfire in our firepit.

It was the perfect fall evening to
huddle around the fire and enjoy family....

and what would a bonfire be without ...

...the fixin's for S'mores

Audrey got a taste of her first marshmallow and her very first S'more.


  1. ahah, cute! That was fun :) Audrey still has a few bits of marshmellow on her face I'm pretty sure :) Thanks for the nums nums.

  2. Nice weekend, like the pictures.
