A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's in the air

First day of Fall

After a bit of "devotion & computer time" ....
I decided thatI should grab my camera and
venture out a bit to capture a little of the...
I found some trees that were well on their way to showing us what we have to
look forward to in the next few weeks

My Asters are the last bloomers in my front garden,
they give me this hint of color after all the other plants have given up their blooms.

My fall(ish) candle that keeps me company on my deck, It's apple-scented and smells absolutlely wonderful.... maybe an apple pie is in order :)


  1. Pretty! There is ONE orange tree among many green ones on our street. I can't wait until they all get orange! SO pretty.

  2. Anonymous9:23 PM

    If you want to come to my house and make a big pile of beautiful autum colored leaves, you can. My leaf blower and rake are yours....Rick

  3. Very pretty trees. We have duds around here. Not much color.

  4. I like the leaf picture!

  5. fall is great but i hate how rainy it always is. i feel like it wasn't this rainy when i was 7 years old...what's happened the last 20 years?
