A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh it's one of those things..... These are kinda fun to do. I stole the template from my daughter

A Filler-Outer Thingy

Hi, my name is: Jacqueline Kay Hemmer

Never in my life have I been: Mugged

The one person who can drive me nuts is: Bill O'Reilly

High school was: A blast, lots of friends and fun.

When I'm nervous: I worry, then pray...then try not to worry

The last time I cried was: NEVER, ha

If I were to get married right now my maid of honor would be: Brianna, Cheri, Julie, Cozy or Jodi. It would have to be all of them, I just couldn't choose.

My hair is: Straighter than straight, limp and it drives me crazy.

When I was 10: All I wanted to do was play ball

Last Christmas: I was on-call, I only got called in once on Christmas eve and not at all on Christmas... Prayers answered

I should be: spending more time volunteering

When I look down I see: My feet, a year ago it was my belly :)

The happiest recent event was: Girls night out with friends

By this time next year: I hope to be kinder, more patient, wiser, and a better person than I am today.

My current gripe is: I hate moles, aint no way around it

I have a hard time understanding: Why people drink and drive; Don't even get me started....

There's this girl I know that: Sees the positive in everything, I wanna be like her.

You know I like you when: Oh I dont know...lets just say I like everyone.

If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: My man, Rick

Take my advice: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' – Matthew 22:37-39

Something that I really want to buy is:
A time share would be fun, I would love to have a place I could have all our kids come and vacation together once a year.

If you visited the place I was born: you would find yourself at Saint Mary's Hospital in Rochester!

I plan to visit: The North Shore...soon

If you spend the night at my house: You'd sleep in Gavin's room on a full size bed with cozy 650 thread count sheets and a hand made quilt crafted by rick's aunt JoAnne. I would make you blueberry waffles in the morning and we'd sit out on the deck in the morning an have a nice chat.

I'd stop my wedding if: The church caught fire.

The world could do without: Moles and drunk drivers

I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Work a call sift

Most recent thing I've bought myself: Contact cleaner, hairspray and protein bars.

Most recent thing someone else bought me: Flowers, from my daughter...us girls, we love getting flowers.

My favorite blonde is: Dora V.

My favorite brunette is: My childern, in all different shades of brown

My favorite redhead is: That would have to be my husband... he is a natural redhead who has changed hair color over the years to a pretty white/gray. I still see him as a redhead.

My middle name is: Kay, just like everyone else

This morning I: went to work...boring I know

The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are:
Monkeys, like in the wizard of Oz.

Once, at a bar:
I will need to plead the fifth.

Last night I was: slept with the windows open with an extra blanket on.

There's this guy I know who: is the light of my life, who has a smile on his face from the moment he wakes up, who is selfless, loving, kind, loves his wife and children before himself, who is wise, still opens the car door for his wife, makes her feel like a princess and he's all mine, I love you Rick.

I don't know: alot of things

A better name for me would be: I'll stick with my name, I kinda like it.

Tomorrow I am: Looking forward to a sunny day to hang my laundry out.

Tonight I am: tired and thinking I'm going to bed soon

My birthday is: Nov 23

What I really wanted for Valentine's Day was: Dumb question...not gonna answer.

I can sing: Bee-bop-alula, she's my baby to my granddaughter.

I like a guy named: Rick Dale Hemmer

My best friend's name: RDH, dah


  1. It would be best to know what you really want for Valentine's Day. How about flowers? I think they are perfect, everyone loves it. I am sure that will make you laugh even on the inside.

  2. Really? Me? I'm on your short list to be your maid of honor? I AM honored.

    I agree...I'd like to be more like that girl you know who sees the positive in everything.

    Fun to read the answers Jackie!

  3. Super fun to read Mom! I was kinda hoping someone would copy mine and do it too! I would totally love to be your maid of honor, haha. Love you!
