A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This aint no country yard

Ever heard the saying,...
"Making a mountain out of a mole hill"?

Moles tunnel beneath the earth. A surface opening to a tunnel is often marked by a little pile of earth, a molehill.

A molehill is not very large, but it is shaped like a mountain. A person who makes a big fuss over a small matter is said to be making a mountain out of a molehill

Well that's all fine, but this is a mountain to me.... I'm trying not to go overboard and whine & cry about it but my beautiful yard is being butchered by a little critter called a mole.

Even my neighbor man understands the gravity of a mole in a lush green yard. Here he is attempting to put a pitchfork in the little menace, I'm pretty sure he missed , or else there's more than one of them.

In which case I've stepped it up and made a visit to Ace hardware today, I purchase this bag of MOLEMAX
Which will hopefully take care of this ridiculous rat
This mole has created a mountain in my mind, It's not a small thing to me no matter what that old cliche' says.
So despite my sad yard issue i still have my pretty little asters which are just beginning to bloom :)


  1. Moles are awful, and creepy looking. That photo of your neighbor stabbing the earth is a little frightening. i'm not sure i like that, but i understand the hate for Moles. My father shares your same hatred. you can always try a trap too. dad does that..course we can't put down poison, the cats you know...good luck!

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The Mole Trap is the best.. But I did enjoy buying "Mole Poison" (imagine Fritz at the hardare hank)one time. didn't work. The trap kills the little B&$+#Rd$....Your Brother

  3. I may have to resort to the trap Rick....you got one I can borrow?

  4. Yuck! What an awful problem! Dan trying to fork the mole is very disturbing, gross! But way to go Dan for trying to help. I hope the poison takes care of it! Sorry Mama.

  5. If you have any left overs you know where to bring them. LOL
    Gramps watches for them then he gives a quick scoop and bashes them over the head.

  6. We got Pa-lenty in our country yard.....and a skunk hole, and a few fox, and a ground hog....I've been trying to send them to North Park for months....glad one of them found their way ....sorry it was your place :(

  7. You can't have our trap, Jackie, cause we are constantly using it here in the woods! There are times we have many traffic patterns laced throughout our yard and flower gardens. So ....yeah...the trap works sometimes with much effort and attention but you can't borrow ours. It's always in use!! Sorry! Good luck! Rick's actually done the pitch form thingy in the past too! Ha! even my kitties have had a bit of luck in the past. WE can always tell where the mole is cause they sit there and stare at the ground!! It's hilarious!
