A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This is a long one, enjoy

You might say we're a family of jocks, It goes way back.... I'm pretty sure from the time we could walk, Rick and I were involved in anything that involved a ball or just plain competition.
Me,... Yes I played boys baseball
That's my guy :)

We were "3 sport athletes" in high school and took it beyond that to college.
At 51 rick still plays Basketball 3 times a week and golf whenever he can which usually is 3 times a week as well.
When we were first married, we played softball days a week, all competitive leagues. In the fall into the winer I played Volleyball and Rick played BB and football. In the spring rick even played some soccer. Eventually we had kids and they became our priority. Our involvement dwindled over the years...but we still played, and so did our kids. We brought them along to games to watch, or maybe they watched a little but mostly played with other little kids that came with their parents.
Anyway it rubbed off on them too, we had three little athletic children.... Who still are. Basketball, gymnastics,

softball, track, soccer, football,

and karate. It was enough to keep us busy over the years and we loved it!

Rick coached all three kids in many of their sports, sometimes as the head coachor the assistant and even sometimes from the sidelines

The kids learned alot from their daddy...
sports was only a small part of what he has taught them.
I had to chuckle to myself the other day as I walked through our back room and into the garage, there is evidence everywhere of our love for sports, Take a look for yourselves...
Golf & Football shoes in the corner of the garage...
Bikes hanging from the ceiling...
a kayak hanging from the ceiling....
Gavin's softball stuff on the garage floor ...
Skates and old golf clubs in the garage corner
volleyballs & basketballs on the shelf...
footballs & Soccer balls galore...
Rick's softball gear on the workbench...
Shoes for everything, and this is only a small section on the shoes...
Ski's in the rafters...
Ski boots on the shelf...

Rick's Basketball bag, ready for the next "basketball day"
...and this doesn't even included what's in the trunks of the cars :)


  1. Fun blog! I love those pics of you guys as kids and the news articles. I also love those sweet pictures of Dad talking to/coaching us. I didn't realize how much sporting equipment we have! I'm thinking Audrey will end up with her share of that stuff too, probably softball stuff for sure if Chris has anything to say about it!

  2. oops, That me, Brianna, not you MOM.

  3. Those were the fun years watching the kids and grandkids playing their sports. Can't wait to go to Audery's games RIGHT! As if i'll be around then. I' pretty old.

  4. Gran, don't say morbid things like that. What a lot of sporting equipment, you could almost run a second wind shop from your garage!
