A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Celebrating my mom

Happy Birthday

My sweet mom

Dad thought it would be fun to gather as many as could come, and have a little (surprise) pizza party for mom's birthday.

So last night we met at Mr. Pizza. There were 10 of us :)

Dad and Brie
My nephew Jamey and his wife Kate

After we ate we headed back to our place for some cake and conversation.
Kate & Brianna Loved the smell of the cake...silly ones

Great aunt Cindy (my bro's wife) had lots of fun with Audrey
(I think someone is ready for grandbabies) wink wink

Happy birthday to my favorite and bestest mom ever !


  1. What a fun group, I loved it! Happy b-day to our special Gran. PS: Kate tried to push my head in the cake.

  2. Thanks for the memories at the pizza place.

  3. I so wish i could have been there. Looks like it was fun. :(
