A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reticent: disposed to be silent or not to speak freely; reserved.

As I've gotten older I'm pretty sure my assertive, outspoken, extroverted self
has taken an about face.

*I dont mind being alone
but I still love being with friends and family (people I know)

*Small talk with people I don't know drives me crazy
It makes my head hurt, and my jaw ache (from holding a smile)

Saturday night I experience it all. After attending a wedding, I ended up talking to a complete stranger while waiting to exit the sanctuary. By the time we got to the car I had an intense headache and my jaw was as tight as a drum . I just wanted to get out of there, but of course we were at the end of the line so we got to wait for the entire church to empty out before we could escape. (It didn't help that Rick knew this couple from work).

On a brighter side of the night...
We got to the reception and could only find a seat at a table with a bunch of 20ish peeps who were all friends, They were happy to let us "old folk" sit at their their table.... best part they drank and talked amoungst themselves while Rick and I enjoyed each others company and "people watched".....perfect, No small talk involved

Don't worry, I'm not gonna crawl into a cave.
I'm not THAT recluse.
I think I'm just content, at peace with who I am. It's ok to be still, to shop by myself and even go to a movie by myself every now and then

now that being said, .... i STILL think,
The very best place to be is Home....with my husband, my kids/family and friends. It's there I love the hustle and bustle of things going on. The more the merrier :)


  1. I think that blog could have been written about myself :) Welcome to the introvert club?

  2. I like the blog it fits me to a tea too. I don't like to start talking to a stranger, un less it is to help them out. Like directions or find something in a store.

  3. it's not that I'm not a social person....just not around a bunch of strangers... it's exhausing

  4. That could be the Norwegian in ya! Dontcha know?

  5. Mom, it's weird, on your blog it says that you updated your Grandma blog and named it something like 'Audrey dancing to elmo video' but then when I go to your Grandma page, it's not there, weeiirrddd.

  6. I hope I don't give you a massive headache and make your jaw as tight as a drum :) When I see strangers, I lower my head, put up my hoodie and walk briskly past. if anyone stops me, I scream, "away from me Satan" and start clawing at their face. I find this approach works wonders... hope it helps ;)

  7. I totally relate with you and Brianna, I love people but sometimes forcing a conversation with someone you don't know is torture. I totally LOLed at Kelsey's comment, you would Kels.

  8. I've always been an introvert, but have only become comfortable with that in the past few years...ironically, since I've become more comfortable with my introversion, I've actually gotten more comfortable in groups...funny how being comfortable with ourselves makes all the difference!
