A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

They were all home

Ask me what makes me happiest....

have you guessed yet?

...having all my kids home
at the same time
laughing....hanging out...enjoying each other

and when it's time to put the Christmas tree up.... well
that's an added bonus
to actually have them all here
brings such joy to their momma.

Brice & Gavin attending to "star duty"

Brice, Chris & Audrey breaking out the candy canes

Jenny placed this star in the perfect spot

Our little helper

just soaking it all in


Audrey's having too much fun

Uncle Brice will you please throw me up in the air?

Time out....reading her favorite book.


  1. sigh, I wish it could last longer :) I love being home with everyone there.

  2. Great pictures. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Hooray you got them all home! Tree looks beautiful!

  4. Looks like a great time! Tree is beautiful. I wish i could be home to help decorate the tree with Mom. Makes me sad when i have to be away. You're blessed to have had your kids all there at the same time. :)

  5. You are waaaay ahead of me! I even have time and I don't have my tree up yet. It's supposed to be Rick's job to set it up and I decorate but he hasn't had time to do that yet. Oh well...I can imagine the serenity and beauty through your pics. Nice job jackie!
