A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

25 random things about this fall

1. Vacationed with my sweetheart

2. Went to a Late movie with my daughter

3. Got a new MAC and continue to learn how to use it

4. Sat in awe of Gods creation

5. Went on separate road trips with my parents

6. Hung clothes out....IN NOVEMBER

7. Working .5 (one less day a week) thank you Rick, you know how I love to be home

8. Happy to see my daughter with her own !

9. Washed windows with my boy

10. Started a new bible study, "fearless" by Max Lucado

11. Spent precious moments with my grandbaby

12. Had lunch with the generation

13. Chased the sunset

14. Got my Thanksgiving invitations addressed

15. Took a few extra days off in November...just because I can

16. Hit a golfball on the Superior National golf course.

17. Started Christmas shopping

18. Captured a photo of this little one, who lives in the house my dad was born in.

19. Got my pantry cleaned & organized ~ Windows washed ~ yard winterized

20. Loving time spent with our married kids from St. Paul

21. Praying for 16 little ones in our church (assigned to me by our childrens pastor)

22. Bought a new vacuum

23. Looking forward to turning 50 this month... it aint all that bad :)

24. Noticing and photographing the beauty of fall

25. Looking forward to the peace and stillness of winter


  1. Love your pictures, love your list, and you look beautiful!!

  2. Cool blog Mom! I like it! I love the generation picture, I might steal it! I also like the hanging out clothes in November pic :) Love you!

  3. Great lunch yesterday along with touring Target with you. I got to spend time with my granddaughter and great granddaughter. The little one was under the weather. What a sweetie.

  4. love the pic of you golfing! what a nice way to spend an afternoon in November!

  5. Beautiful pictures and thoughts from a beautiful lady.
