A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Enjoying the fall

Couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend, we spent a lot of time outside
Lovin' every minute of it!

I got my flower gardens cleaned up

I always cut back my plants in the Fall so in the spring I can just enjoy the new plans coming up from the ground without having to disturb them. Some people say you should do it in the spring but I've ALWAYS had good luck in the fall....
my stuff always makes it back for another year

My neighbor Marcy took care of this bed, she asked for my geraniums, so I gladly let her have them. She will try to keep them alive this winter and re-plant them next spring.

and then there's the deck...
All furniture is packed away and the fabric awning & netting are safely tucked into the big storage box along with the cushions. It looks so big and empty.

Most of the fall colors are gone so I changed up my little flag to a more appropriate one...

It's that time of year where we are reminded of what we are thankful for and "Thanksgiving" is right around the corner.
I almost skipped right over Thanksgiving and went right to my SNOW flag, but I was afraid that would be too disturbing for most of you.... cough cough cindy hee hee.


  1. All set for the winter. Gramps won't put our stuff away because there is still some green on them. He will wait til it's 30 below them freeze his hum-dee- dumb off.

  2. thank you for your thoughtfulness Jackie. I'm sad you had to pack up your little oasis! It's such a beautiful "Zen" space.
