A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's all about how you feel

It's almost been a month since I turned 50.
It's not like I didnt know it was coming, It's not one of those birthdays that sneak up on you, no need to do the math, I'm 50 !
I thought I'd wait a bit to blog about entering this new decade of life....to see if i noticed a difference, or well....felt older, as many people asked me (on the day I turned 50). So here it is

My, "I'm 50 blog"

Here's what I've concluded as I've had a month to think about it

* I have no regrets
* I have some great stories and memories
* I still have much to learn
* I'm still the same person.
* I'm more in love with my husband than ever before (hard to believe I could love this guy any more than I already have) eat your hearts our young ones they get better with each passing year)
* I have 3 beautiful children who are nearly perfect and (as far as I can tell) they like me.
* who knew I'd already be a grandma ( I love that)

Things I'm not that thrilled about:

* When I look in the mirror that "30 year old" image that's in my head isnt the image I see looking back at me, but hey...I earned every one of those wrinkles.
* My memory isn't as sharp... but that's been coming on for a few years now. My kids will attest to that, but hey, at least I admit it.
* I went out and bought "readers" for every room of the house, my close-up visions been getting worse since age 40, but really this month I've even had to start wearing them to work...ticks me off.

Things I'm loving about being 50:

* When I'm forgetful, I can blame it on my age, and it's appropriate
* I feel great
* I'm 60 pounds lighter than I was a year ago, and still working on it.
* I've still got a few years to live it up, and I'm excited to see what God has in store for me during this season of life.

In honor of my birth 50 year ago I have created a Top 50 list- Things I believe in, things that made me who I am today, things I love and just more things...

1. Parents- they raised me to be a pretty well rounded person, Mom gave me my feistiness and ability to stand up for myself, Dad taught me to be a good person, and instilled the importance of "family".
2. Rick- A godly man who grabbed my heart at a tender age of 16 who loves me, believes in me and is my best friend.
3. My kids- They amaze and delight me, I am their biggest fan, and I'm so proud of all of them.
4. Brianna - My oldest and only daughter. She is so patient and kind. She's so much like her daddy...compassionate, loving and sees the good in everything. She's a lesson to be learned.
5. Brice - My second...oldest son. He is the one for which I have titled my blog. He is so creative and funny, one that everyone loves. He reminds me a lot of his dad in the way he treats and cares for his wife. He always makes me laugh!
6. Gavin - My baby...2nd son. Our quiet one, but so sensitive and sweet. He is a gentle giant, standing at almost 6'3". He has many talents, he's competative, and loves to play hard like his dad.
7. Girlfriends - they just "get it"...the things a husband isn't wired to "get"
8. Books - I always choose a book by it's cover. It works for me
9. Macbook computer - Love it!
10. Camera - My SONY and me, it's my favorite pass time.
11. God - creator, redeemer, sustainer, comforter, guide & friend. All I have comes from Him, all I do should be for Him. Without Him the rest of my life is pretty pointless. I live by His amazing grace.
12. Clairol touchup - for the few gray hairs that pop up from time to time.
13. Christmas - So many memories, family, traditions, gatherings but best of all JESUS
14. The sky - Gods sketch pad. I marvel at the beauty he brings to me every day...in the sky.
15. Campfires - always means family, friends and memories of camping.
16. Clothes lines - Love the fresh smell of the clothes as I'm pulling them off the line.
17. Shoes & purses - need i say more girls?
18. Winter - My favorite season. It slows me down, helps me relax and take life a little slower.
19. Grandchild- My heart jumped when this one came along. I'm head & heals in love.
20. Siblings - my life is richer because of them.
21. Prayer time - time with God , he sustains me
22. Dark chocolate -...a few of you can relate (cozy)
23. Freedom - Love my Country
24. Sunsets and sunrises - There is just something magical about them, I can never see one and not be moved. They are a reminder to me that each day is a gift.
25. Caller ID - Dont have to talk to those pesty telemarketers
26. Text messaging - It's quick and easy
27. Worship - It's food for my soul
28. Coffee - everyday while reading Gods word, sometimes over a chat with a good friend, and in Saturday mornings with my hubby as we solve the world problems.
29. Flowers - My gardens keep my busy in the summer
30. Babies - Nursery duty once a month at church, love holding those little ones
31. Hugs - They speak when words cannot.
32. The night sky - Love to see the stars sparkle & wink
33. A hand written note - It means someone has taken time out their own busy life for me. (thanks M.J.)
34. Unexpected phone calls (from the land-line) from old friends - It warms my heart
35. Church - My community of faith
36. Baggy clothes - pure comfort
37. Chris - daughters husband - hard worker, dreamer, great daddy, full of energy & Loves our daughter.
38. Jennifer - Sons wife - sweet, caring, great with kids, hard worker, fun & Loves our son.
39. Capri's - wear them all summer long
40. Bare feet - I'm barefoot everyday of the year, only wear sock to go to work and sometimes in the winter...if I have to.
41. Kids accomplishments - whether small or big they are all important in my eyes. I'm a proud mama!
42. Sports - Something I grew up very involved in, learned much from coaches, team mates, winning & losing
43. My Living room - favorite place in my house, quiet, peaceful and comfy
44. Good health - see so much sickness everyday, I've been blessed
45. Time - to do the things I love to do
46. Working only 1/2 time - I love being home
47. Nieces & Nephews - Fun to see them all grow up into who they have become. Enjoying the little one who are still growing.
48. "Up north" - Love to vacation on the north shore with my hubby, lots of fun, great memories.
49. Pine Haven - Our family get away for the last 22 years and the place my husband and kids went to church camp as kids. Great memories with church friends and our families.
50. I've discovered that life is still just as good as when I was in my 20's, 30's and 40's. Fifty is a good place to be!

Something else to think about....
I may seem older to the younger generation, but
I'm still very young to the older generation That's a good thing.


  1. No wonder I love you. You are only 50 and very wise. And you like old people...you know, the ones who are 60.

  2. What a cool blog Mom :) I'm so glad you're my Mama. Liked reading all your fun list.

  3. Anonymous11:56 PM

    This is great Jackie! We've been saying we're going to make a coffee date for how long now?? Let's do it, afterall, we both turned 50 last month and we can!

    Deb (old friend and neighbor)

  4. Great post! Love your comments on your year 50. You are looking great and have a wonderful outlook on life. God is so good to you. Many blessings in the coming years as well....oh, I share your love of winter! YAY!

  5. Anonymous8:32 AM

    the mirror is bad or you need your reading glasses when looking - I see the "30 year old" just fine.

    Love Me

  6. Just caught your blog, i've been busy and haven't been on the puter til today. Great 50 comments. Wait til your in your 70's. LOL

  7. So much to be thankful for! I'm glad you are in your 50's now too! :) You

  8. whoa....did dad comment on your blog?!

  9. AJ, what a sweet blog. You're such a wonderful woman and beloved aunt. I'm proud to call you my auntie, and so happy that you have so much to give and teach those of us who look up to you. thanks for your wisdom!

    Love you!
    MJ (ps. i'm more than happy to send you a note to say hello, any time, any day...as long as it makes you happy!)
