A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas pictures

A few photos of our Christmas celebrations....

Christmas morning

Just Gavin, Rick & I
Santa brought Gavin a new "drum throne"

Yeah, a flash for my camera

Tickets to the Gophers game vs Northwestern

Christmas Day at my mom & dad's

There they are

the grandkids and significant others

Here we are back in the corner

Not her hat...but she sure loved it.

Me, my sister and our Cousin Holly

Our little Christmas at our house with the kids

Brianna got her drill

Audrey & Chris opening gifts

My big surprise to Rick, a "5 wood" to finish out his set.

Brice is very proud of his new external hard drive. Jenny seems to like it as well.


  1. very nice :) I like the group shot at Gran's, I hadn't seen any of those yet. I also like the one of Dad and Gavin all sleepy eyed with their Gopher tickets, haha.

  2. Nice family pictures! There are so many people who came to the Erickson gathering I hardly had time to chat with everyone! It was wonderful to see everybody though! :)
