A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bring it on

This is just for starters, not interested in overwhelming myself.

20-30 more pounds to lose
Get organized
Get walking again
Better time management

So I'm really not into "resolutions" for the New year, but I definately have some thoughts on what I need
to do in 2011.
I think It helps to be accountable by writing it down and then sharing it. That's sometimes the hard part, cuz now everyone knows (well at least you all do), but if that's what I gotta do to be somewhat accountable, well then.... I'm doing it.

My BIGGEST challenge... even more so than weight loss !

Brianna's old room has becomes a chaotic mess almost to the point of looking like a hoarder lives here.

Not the case, I'm not a hoarder but I've let this room become the "collecting room" it's full of old pictures, frames, stamping stuff, boxes and just stuff I don't know what to do with or where to put it. Oh it's not and admirable trait of mine but at least it's confined to a single room. I think I keep the rest of the house fairly neat & organized.

So yeah.... I hope to get movin'-losin'- organizin'-servin'-cookin' and using my time well. Hopefully by spring I can have some good habits formed as I'm well into 2011.


  1. Wowee, sounds great Mama. And yes, please clean my sad sad room, it misses me and is offended that it's become a place of 'hoarding' haha. JKin' Maybe I should write some goals too....
    Love you!!!

  2. My goal is to get up every morning and breathe. So far so good.

  3. FIrst of all..HAHA, Gran!

    Second, your goals sound amazing. Work hard and keep at them and you'll be so successful! I'm rootin for you AJ! Good Luck! Love you!
