A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, December 31, 2010

News years Eve used to be a busy night, with our kids and their friends everywhere
It's a bit different now...but that's ok
Those teenagers are married now, some are working and others are in their own homes putting the little ones to bed.
Tonight our New Years Eve started with dinner with my mom & dad, then back to our home for some coffee and caramel corn...yummy

Gavin flew in the house to change his work shirt and now he's off to "hang" with the guys.

GAVIN: "are you sure you guys'll be ok?"

US: oh yes Gavin, you go have a good time , Be good, Be a good example, and stay put, the roads are slippery

GAVIN: "Oh I will, No worries... Happy News years you two"

US: You too Gavin....be safe, love you.

Called Chris to wish him a Happy New Year. Talked to Audrey, or shall I say I tried to talk to Audrey, two seconds after I said "Hi Audrey", she said....Ba Pa Ba pa (grandpa) so I handed the phone over to Rick...Oh how I love that little girl.

Sent a text to Brice to wish them a Happy New year...hopefully he shared that with Jenny. Oh how I love social networking.

Will probably call Brianna on her way home from work to wish her a happy new year. Thank God for nurses....drive home safe sweet one.

Now Rick & I will settle down for a movie in the comfort of our own home. We have Cheese and sausage, crackers and each other, we are set for the night!



  1. Oh Mama, you are so sweet to think of all of us. I don't like the thought of you and Dad alone, but I know you're ok. I miss the New Year's fun, but I did make Chris jump in the air with me when it turned midnight :) Love you :)

  2. It was fun hanging.

  3. sounds like it was a great night! Love how Gavin was so concerned. haha...it's hard to go outside of the normal traditions. Glad you had a nice time! Happy New Year!
