A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The birthday girl

27 years ago today at 3:38pm a sweet beautiful baby girl was born
She came 10 days late and weighed in at 9# 4 oz


We had only heard of one other Brianna,
we loved the name, cuz it was unique
Middle name came from her Great-grandma Thomas (My mom's mom)

Through the years

She came into the world with colic, which wasn't anything she had control over.
She sat up, crawled, and walked early.
Her first two-word sentence was, "go away" thanks to Oscar the grouch
Once she started talking, there was no stopping her.

She loved to play "Barbies, my little ponies, and color".
When she was with her little friends (and brothers) she liked to be the boss.

She had lots of friends, and strived to do her best in everything she did.
She played 3 instraments, Piano, french horn and Saxophone.

She protected her heart through the teenage years and never made her parents fret or worry about a thing. We were blessed

She's all grown up now, but hasn't changed a bit
She is beautiful inside and out.
She has the best qualities of her daddy, and
she followed her mommy's footsteps in becoming a nurse.

We are proud of you Brianna,
You made our dreams come true the day you were born.
You continue to amaze us

You have grown into a strong, intelligent, selfless godly women.

and now you're the mommy of a sweet little girl, who we adore.
Have fun with her....they grow up fast ! (we know)
Happy Birthday Brie,
We love you !


  1. Awww, that was so sweet :) Thanks Mama. I can't believe Audrey will be 27 someday, how weird. Love you!!!!!!!!!!! And fun to see the old pics!

  2. Happy Birthday Brianna! Love you too!

  3. Happy birthday Brianna. Love Granny. My blog don't work so I couldn't say h p in mine.
