A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

To you, it may look like an (out of focus) picture that totally missed the subject.

To me...well, this picture cracks me up.
Here's what I saw ....

My two adult boys, goofing off as they often do when they are together.
Gavin on the floor trying to protect himself as Big brother Brice taunts him (gavin is probably asking for it)

Meanwhile, sweet Jenny (Brice's wife) is snoozing in the chair, unphased by the commotion.
(back left corner).

Unknown to the boys, I actually took the photo on my "Photobooth" program on my MAC otherwise they would have stopped goofing off, knowing full well that mom had a camera in her hands and could potentially exploit them in her blog

Now why would they think a think like that.

I love those boys of mine!