A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thoughts of spring

Spring has sprung

Amoungst the snow and muck in my back yard shade garden,
the sprigs of my crocus's are poking out of the mud.


The squirrel's have been busy digging up my yard
looking for their dumb walnuts

You all know I LOVE winter, but do you know that I despise Spring.
It's not my favorite, probably the season that I wish we could skip altogether
It's messy in a lot of ways....

It messes with your mind,
warm one day cold the next.

It messes with your surrounds,
wet and mushy everywhere
Rain, rain, rain (which isnt so bad if it's during the night)

It messes with your senses,
it smells like spring but what good does that do ya
You still cant really do anything outside, It's too messy.
mud & wet....blah

But that's just me, you don't have to agree.
Come late spring when...
everything dries up and the flowers start blooming,
When you can sit on the grass without getting a wet butt
When you can hang the clothes out on the line....

...I'll cheer up, I really will

For now I will sit in the peace of the evening and
find joy in the sound of thunder and the flashesof lightening !
One of my favorite things at night.


  1. I think it's funny how opposite we are. :-)

  2. I mean, SPRING!!! Man, I love spring. :-)

  3. Welllllll you know if we didn't get so much stinkin' SNOW it wouldn't be so wet! Hehe
    Love ya!

  4. I meant to ask you today about your crocuses. I was imagining that they were coming up, fun fun. They're so pretty.

  5. Cabinhaus... Cheri?

  6. I hate the mess too.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM

    I totally agree with Jackie S and Cabinhaus!
