A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Compliments under the influence

I became a Grandma at 48. At the time, all I could think is....
I'm way too young to be a grandma (way too young)

Two years later.... Now I'm 50, I consider that to be a more appropriate grandma age. I don't really feel old , but I think I'm definatley closer to fitting the description. ( at least in my mind)

The older I get the more I love when a stranger say to me
(during an idle conversation)...
"You have a grandchild, that's crazy!
You're too young to have a grand baby"

That's just the best compliment ever !
Alot of these people are my patients who are under the influence of drugs....
but I'll take the compliment regardless :)


  1. LOL, too funny. Even though they're under the influence, I still think they're right, you're a youngin'.

  2. Hey I was 43 when I became a granny. It was great. A great granny at 71. It's very cool. Can't wait for more great grand kids.

  3. That is very funny Jackie! You do look to young to be a grandma, but you make it look like so much fun!!

  4. you are young! and look young! and act young!
