A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My guys

Wordless Wednesday

My boys and their dad
(Photo compliments of my brother in law)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

My Sanctuary...

I'm pretty sure every spring I do a post to feature my deck/gazebo... my sanctuary. 
This year things got a little behind, we really didn't want a repeat of last years
 dumping of snow that totally trashed the roof of our gazebo, so we waited a few weeks. 
Well then, Rick wanted to treat the deck top with a sealant 
but the weather just wasn't cooperating.... rain rain go away.

We finally had some dry days in a row so my man surprised me on Friday, 
when I got home from work it was all set up
Oh how I love that man of mine....just what I needed.

This was the big fishing weekend that all my guys attend,
so I was very thankful to have my
"outdoor living room" set up and ready for some relaxing.

My new little treasure that I picked up a few weeks ago at the Prim Barn

My hanging basket gift to my self, from Houston's nursery in Kasson. 

another pretty that I've had for a few years

Pot O' Pansies

Looking out from my dining room, 
I've always thought it's such a nice extension to our home 

Birds chirping, gentle cool breeze and a light scent of candles burning....
Now all I need is my guys to make it home safely, should be here soon  :)

Hope you all have a relaxing and safe Memorial Day,

A time to honor America's hero's.... Thank you!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Celebrating soon-to-be number three...

There's a new baby coming and it wont be long now... 
My daughter hosted a baby shower for my her "sister", 
 Our son Brice and his wife Jennifer will welcome their little one in a few short weeks
 Brianna (my girl) was able to borrow dishes and burlap accents from friends and family
 and then put it together to make it her own. 

 Some of the aunties helped provide desserts

 It isn't a baby shower without the games....right?

My niece MJ, sampling the cream puffs

two more nieces of mine.... oh how they grow

My daughter and her special Aunt Susan
Susan made this very cool centerpiece, made from diapers, receiving blankets
 and other baby necessities

Handmade cross-stitched quilt made by my mom for her 5th great grandchild. 

 Jennifer's sister (left) came down from the cities 
and sis-in-love from town here.

"sisters" I love these two

Miss Audrey being the "helper"

Even the youngest one's came, 
my mom holding #3 & #4 great grandchildren.

These are exciting times for our family, 
cant wait to welcome #3 grandbaby to our family
I am giddy with excitement.....bear with me  :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Can the words CUTE and OUTHOUSE go together???

I'm sure most would not consider an outhouse cute, 
I had never thought that until I spotted this one... 
...situated behind the farm house at the Prim Barn sale where I recently
visited on a cool Saturday morning. The farm is located on a country road near Lake city.
I suppose the owners thought it would be fun to make it unique, 
and make it more enjoyable for those of us who..."had to go"

 Another one of my interests from years gone by... outhouses  :) 
I'm always thrilled when I see an old abandoned out house 
at the cemeteries and old churches that  I happen upon...

...like this one behind the old Methodist church in Lenora, Mn

 Can you imagine...electricity and art deco in your out house

Equipped with tissue, hand sanitizer, a clock and a very nice toilet seat.

I'm thankful that I never had to go out on a 
cold winter night (or any night for that matter) to use the 
outhouse like some of my readers, It may have given me a different perspective on Winter  :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Prim Barn

Located just off Hwy 63 near Lake City, MN and owned by the Darcy's,
 this century old barn is stocked full of wonderful treasures including 
antiques, collectibles, home decor, rustics and garden art.

My love of barns drew me in when I saw an advertisement 
for this "Occasional Market" as they call it. 

 I spoke with one of the Darcy son's who said the barn hasn't had animals in it for several years but
the scent of livestock still lingers as you open the door and walk into the barn.

There were so many things to look at,
 I went around three times to make sure I didnt miss a thing
Glad I came Friday morning, it was cool and rainy, no crowds to wade through.
I heard the opening on Thursday was wall to wall people.

Not only were there treasures on the inside but there was plenty to admire on the grounds as well.

Does anyone else remember having one of these when they were growing up???
I remember putting my thumb through the wringer.... but only once
Mom was right...I hurts!

One more special "out building" to share with you next time...It's pretty sweet!!!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Happy Mother's Day to my very wonderful mom....you're the best !

I had to have a Mom before I can be a mom...

Best thing that ever happened to me was becoming a mom.

Making the decision to have a child is momentous
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking
 around outside your body ~Elizabeth Stone

I blinked my eyes and they grew up...
My sweet daughter and her "little" brothers

A favorite of my grown-up boys

and my grown-up girl

Because your Children are still your children,  
your prayers will always have and impact in their lives! 
You may no longer be able to tell them what to do, 
but you can sure tell the enemy what to do.  ~ Stormie Omarian

God is good, He hears my prayers!
I have been blessed with three wonderful children who
all make me proud to be their momma.
 Love you Brianna, Brice and Gavin...Jenny and Chris too (my bonus kids)

~ mom

I'll have to admit...I've had to spend more time praying for this one...

Happy Mother's Day to you all

Friday, May 9, 2014

Road trippin

Seemed like it should be Saturday today... 
Rick was golfing and I had nothing on my calendar, so off I went...
headed North on hwy 63 en route to The Prim Barn occasional Market 
(more on that in a future post)

When I'm road trippin alone, I head for county roads in the general direction of home
I actually love not really knowing where I am. The more gravel road the better
I often catch myself with a smile on my face, loving the sights all around me.

 Spring fields with a hint of manure in the air....ahhhh, nothing like it  :)

 Then there was this beauty, the natural fading of the aging wood stopped me dead in my tracks.
Being out in the middle of nowhere makes it easy to stop and snap a shot 
in the middle of the road with no cars anywhere in sight....I love that!

Makes me kind of sad...

But this makes me glad..... such a well kept beautiful barn

Cant forget the old country cemeteries....had to stop and check this one out. 

Feeling refreshed....had me some "country" today

Sunday, May 4, 2014

All American boy....

At the ball field watching Daddy and Uncle Gavin play ball.  
This boy LOVES balls and anything that goes with it.
Keeping a close eye on the game 
 If you look real close you can see that he looks a little dejected.
Carson kept going to the end of the fence where you can enter onto the field, 
when I told him to stop he would peek at me out of the
corner of his eye without turning his head, all the while stepping his feet sideways to try and
get on the field, ha ha sneaky boy.
Mean old grandma wouldn't let him out on the field while the men were playing.

Me and my ball buddy, 
I love this little one and imagine that someday I'll be watching him play too.