A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Joys of family at Christmas time....

We have a fairly large family and do a lot of celebrating over the Christmas holiday.
My mom & dad host everyone for Christmas lunch, then it's back to our house for our little family celebration which usually includes  pizza for dinner. The Hemmer celebration is yet to come this Saturday, where we will all gather at Rick's folks to celebrate.

We have 4 little grandchildren so it's fun to watch the delight in their faces when 
they get a gift they consider "surprise worthy"  

Look at that little face....a "Magic Track" that he's been wanting :)

He wins for the best surprised look  :)

3 year old Scarlett gets a Ariel doll AND a matching toddler dress
 so she can dress-up just like her doll.

8 year old Audrey was thrilled to get a doll named "Jovie" that she had on her Christmas list.

 Even 1 year old Lewin looks on with anticipation as his daddy
 helps to reveal what's in the big box
A new riding toy.

 Our SIL Chris about to check out the gift in this box
DIL Jennifer gets her "Bruce" bottle stopper that she had on her list.
My Daughter Brianna did not have a potato on her list. 
Her brother Gavin always has a unique gift-giving style which included a potato and
 a #25 weight, to go along with her "real gift"

Speaking of Gavin......
Pig-pile on Uncle Gavin  

A few random shots of our family Christmas....  

I love watching these 3 play together. There was a lot of running and squealing going on.

 and then we have the snuggles
Auntie Brie getting some love from little Scarlett

These 4 make my Grandma heart full to the brim. 
Rick and I love having our family together, sharing laughs, love and great conversation.  

We have had a wonderful year and are thankful for Jesus and his unfailing love for us all.
We hope you had a nice Christmas as well, and wish you good health and happiness
 in the New year to come.


  1. You know I love this post for all the family love therein from the snuggles to the potato and everything in between. So happy you had everyone together for Christmas, Jackie.

    1. It was lovely Audrey! Thanks for your kind words. One more celebration tomorrow night with Rick's side.
