A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Another year.... How will your 2018 look?

I think of the New Year as a new book with empty pages
 A book of the year to come, my life, and my dreams, my energy!
As I begin to compose the story of 2018 I think about things I hope to accomplish,
 who do I need to hug, and spend more time with?
My heart says I need to be more intentional with my free time, 
spend more time with those I love and enjoy more time with friends and family. 

 These are some of the ones who are very near and dear to my heart....my family

As I have gotten older I have realized that taking advise from those who are 
older and wiser with more life experience is so important! 
Why is it that we have to become older and wiser ourselves before we realize this?
Busted....yep I'm guilty. 
 Is it pride, is it that Know-it-all attitude we have in our 30's and 40's when we seem to heed the advice of strangers who write books on certain topics or write articles on social media. Yes books and article can be helpful and any information on a topic can be good, but...
why not ask the very people who love us and have had the life experiences before us, and possess knowledge in so many areas of life.
This weekend I loved the many conversations my oldest boy had with his dad.
 I couldn't help noticing how they hung out together, and covered many topics from 
family, to jobs, to finances to woodworking and design, I love my sons inquisitive nature and
 how attentive he is to his dad's advice and thoughts. 

When you hear a young adult exclaim something as if it's the first time it's ever been heard.... 
guess what, It's usually old news to those who have lived life a bit longer. 
So why not sit down with someone a little older and wiser, and ask their advice.
Advice doesn't mean that's what you have to go with, after all God gave us a mind, 
so use it with a little help from the aged and wise.
 I know as I get older that's exactly what I'm intending on doing.  
I'm not "old" yet, but I'm just starting to feel like I could maybe be the wiser one
 with some things that might be worth hearing.

The older and wise may not be with us forever......

A friend of mine died this week. 
Sherry lost her husband at a very young age with 3 small children. 
She never remarried and raised 3 wonderful kids by herself. 
She worked hard, she was strong, courageous and brave. 
She was 12 years my senior and I loved talking with her, she was caring, loving and generous!
 I miss her big smile, kind words and sweet sweet demeanor! 

She taught my kids about Jesus as their Sunday school teacher, she invited our family over at Christmas time so share a meal and create memories for our families. 
She beat cancer twice, but the third time was too much for her body to fight, and she went home the day after Christmas to be with her Lord and to be reunited with her husband.
I'm so thankful for her faith and her example of living her life like Jesus intended.
I miss you my friend!

How will your 2018 look, will you be more intentional with those you love.
I hope to be kinder, more positive, compassion, considerate, selfless, loving and maybe even a bit wiser  :)

Happy New Year to all my Family and friends,
May God bless you in this new year to come!


  1. I especially liked your comments about Brice spending time just talking and asking advice from Rick. It’s been a very long time for us. Maybe someday and hopefully before it’s too late. I have a dream. Thanks for inspiring us. Happy New Year!

    1. Brice has always been one to ask advice, and also very curious and inquisitive about the generations before him, he's an "old soul" :) Happy New Year to you and Rick too !

  2. Sorry to hear about your friend Jac'...she was also lucky to have a friend in you! Hoping you get everything you wish for in 2018!

    1. Thanks Jodi, she was one-of-a-kind :)

  3. This is such a thoughtful, caring and insightful post. You are right. We can learn from those who are older than us and even those younger than us. I'm thinking specifically of experiences and challenges others have dealt with in their lives from which we can learn.

    Finally, I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend Sherry. She sounds like a strong woman of faith who cared deeply for others.

    1. Yes, we can learn from each other, no matter the age. But I think wisdom comes with age, that's where I was trying to go with this post. Sherry was a dear friend and will be missed, I learned much from her example for sure!

  4. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Your words are tender and meaningful. I think all of us took a deep breath and considered the value of friendships. It's a hard lesson to learn. I find comfort in looking at Sherry's picture. My heart hurts but I know she is at peace.

    comment by Valerie

    1. She is at peace...that we know!

  5. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Such a beautiful , well said blog my dear neighbor and friend. Very sorry about your recent goodbye to your friend Sherry, but she is probably very Happy. My advice , being your senior, ( by just a little bit) would be to ask as many questions you can of your parents.....I have found, especially this past year I still have so many unanswered l things I would like to pick up the phone and just ask!!

    Comment by Mary Ann

    1. Good advice dear friend, Thank you!
