A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, January 5, 2018

It's winter....but more snow please...

Yes it was -14 degrees this morning, with a -34 below wind chill,
 this is considered pretty cold even in Minnesota.
I don't usually get too worked up about "Minnesota cold"
 so as I left my warm cozy house for work this morning here's what I pondered....

* The snow was beautiful and glistened like diamonds, did you notice? If not, you should it's quite beautiful!
* I could see my breath....for that I am grateful!
* My car is a great protection with a heater that works great.
* I wore my coat for the 2nd time this winter (I walk 4 blocks to works, so thought it was warranted)
* I wore socks..... this is a very rare occurrence.
* The air was so refreshing, but 4 blocks was about long enough.
* There was no wind so the wind chill of -34 didn't even cross my mind and I wouldn't have known it was that low if I didn't watch the morning news before work.

Many of you know I'm a Lover of winter, I love the quiet beauty of it.
I appreciate the shorter, more peaceful days, and the crisp cool air.
I like to hike in the winter, we have snow-shoed and
 I hope to ice fish with my brother at some point. 
Winter is part of Gods creation and plan for Minnesota so I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Some of you may say, well then what's all the complaining about in the summer.
 Yes I'm guilty but in recent years have tried not to be so negative.
 Summer makes me miserable with the heat and humidity,
 just as it makes some miserable in the cold brutal winters.
 I think we all have our preferences.
There is probably good and bad to all seasons, but that's really why I love Minnesota,
 the change of seasons are the best! 
Just a little more snow please   :)

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you will get your snow wish on Thursday. :)
