A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

If only I had a robotic arm extension...

How many of you have those kitchen cabinets with the 
corner cupboards that go so far back that you would have to have a 4 foot arm
 to reach to the things you need in the back?
P.S. "Lazy Susan's" are not the answer here, yes those are helpful but they are not without their own problems. Things fall off them, way in the back, so your still unable to reach back there, and you aren't able to utilize the full space of the cabinet.
The Blue arrow above shows the depth of the cabinet. 
This angle shows the back side of the cabinet, the breakfast nook.

Another view from the front side of the cabinet. That opening is also a problem, hard to tell here but it is very narrow,  throughout the years I had to send my kids in to get what I needed.

More recently It's become a frustration of mine so I talked to Rick about opening up the back side so 
things would be easy to get at.... I'm not getting any younger, 
and contorting my body into this crevasse is not fun.

This is a project that I would consider "out of sight, out of mind"...
at least for Rick who never has to get into this cabinet.
So a couple of gentle reminders last week and he was all over it.

 Cutting the hole in the back side is NOT as easy as it looks, but this guy can do anything.

The opening is done....and I'm excited

Doors are up and staining in progress.

My husband is the best! I shouldn't be surprised at what this guy can do. 
It's perfect and looks like it's always been this way. I was like a giddy housewife putting thing back in the cupboards, rearranging the heavy and most awkward things in the front (or should I say back)  :)
P.S. My guy did our flooring too! 

 Love my new cupboard, but I love my sweet husband more. 
Another example of the love he has for me.
LOVE is a verb 

 The finished "Look" 

On a side note I might add.... My guy also cleaned up all the dust he created on the upper level of the house. He also knows that one of my worst torments in life is dust, so he took care of it. 
Love is a verb


  1. I have a cupboard of no return in my kitchen. I'm glad my door is bigger, since it can't be opened up on the other side like yours. Kudos to Rick.

  2. We have the same thing on the other side of the kitchen Amy...that one we cant get into from the back, so I'm stuck with that one. I just try to keep everything pulled to the front of that one, so I can get at it.

  3. I need to borrow Rick. Randy can do many things. But building stuff from wood is not one of them. I've had a hole in my dining room wall (where we removed a chimney) for about 15 years. It's covered by a sheet of cardboard. Not to worry, metal covers the floor opening. I need a complete kitchen re-do. Maybe Rick would have some affordable ideas.

    But back to your project. The cupboard looks great. And I love the floor. Wood or whatever you call the fake stuff?

    1. Rick is all self taught in the things he does....he enjoys researching and learning. He has actually built a garage, finished our lower level including the sheet rock. He doesn't do the "mudding" on large projects, he pays out for the professionals for that but he will mud and finish small areas (holes) in a wall. He also did the stone work on our fireplace. He has tiled the bathroom, and put new floors down in the other bathrooms. Hope it doesn't sound like I'm bragging, just proud of my guy. We both have handy guys who are willing to do what they feel capable of. That cutout cupboard waited 30 years to get done. It was never a priority until now....age and inflexibility brought it to the forefront :)
