A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

We got our fix... family, celebration and grandkids

It was fun to have a little surprise birthday celebration for our Gavin on Saturday night. 
All the kids and grandkids were here which is the best thing ever in my book!!!

We met at Red Lobster... Gavin's favorite (Gavin Left center)

We came back to the house for the traditional singing of the 
Happy Birthday song and cake!

All who can, come and gather once a year at Red Lobster for Gavin's birthday.
The little girl cousins wanted to sit next to each other.

Grandpa and his grand boys.

Winding the night down, watching Mickey Mouse with Grandpa before the 
Rochester kids head home for the night

My best attempt at trying to get an updated family photo with camera on a tripod and set on a timer. Guess who's not looking at the camera.... Guess who know's better?
I was feeling so bad for Lewin, he was not to thrilled to stop playing and have a photo done.

 ...fast forward to the next day

Lewin is modeling a 3rd generation outfit that my husband wore as a little boy.
It was passed on to our boys from my Mother in law and now I'm passing it on to Lewin.  
The fabric is so soft from 50+ years of washing. 
The clothing line is called "Buster Brown"...any one remember???
I brought out a bag of shirts and shorts that I had saved.
 I think Its so cool that his daddy, uncle Gavin and grandpa all wore this outfit  

 Running off a little energy before this sweet one gets in the car for the trip back home.
What I thought was gonna be a walk became a full out run..."catch me Grandma".

 My Grandbabies remind me everyday just how blessed we are. 
They are all so close in proximity that we can really see them often, especially when we are needing that "fix"....you grandma's out their know what I mean  :)


  1. First off, happy birthday to your sweet Gavin. What a wonderful way to celebrate with the full gathering of family.

    Second, I love the family photo. Even if you aren't looking at the camera. Your head turned as it is toward your family tells a story of deep love. And that's better than any posed portrait.

    Third, I love that the outfits are being passed down from generation to generation. That reminds me of a skirt I have in my closet which I wore, Amber wore and now Izzy can wear some day.

    What joy and love in these photos. Thank you for sharing all.

  2. Awww thanks for the sweet comments Audrey. I kind of agree about the family photo, it does tell a story :)

  3. Love the pictures and love Red Lobster day!!!!
