A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

So many blessings.... in the form of nature and life

 My favorite guy and I ventured out for a little get-away to Duluth this weekend.
 We love Duluth no matter the season. 
We still walk/hike in the snow, we still enjoy the majesty of Lake Superior, 
we enjoy nature, rest and relaxation and trying new restaurants.
But best of all, we enjoy time together away from the routines of home.
I am so thankful for this man of mine who hangs out with me and 
goes along with my spur-of-the-moments whims. 
Even if something is not his favorite he is willing to go for the adventure without hesitation. 
I am usually the instigator, and he happily agrees, "Let's do it"

Yesterday did not disappoint as we headed to Brighton Beach on the outskirts of Duluth to see what we could see....
 The ice was breaking up before our very eyes, waves moved along huge ice chunks perpendicular to the shore, we stood and watched for what seemed like and hour until the ice was all gone. 

Today we returned to do some more walking along the shore,
blessed again by nature in the form of a pine tree...
Decorated with bright colored Christmas bulb.
This kind of stuff just make me giddy.

I sat for a moment 
that guy of mine snapped a photo of me. 

Tomorrow we head home right into a "Winter Storm Warning"
 We accept the challenge, but would love prayers for safe travels! 


  1. Glad you had fun! Don’t drive if it’s too bad out!!!! We want you back! Loves.

    1. We will be careful sweet girl. Love you!

  2. You got 'em-- prayers for safe travel. But I'm with Brianna. Stay put if the roads and weather are too bad.

    I love how you and Rick find delights in things such as watching the ice break on Superior. I'm mostly the instigator in our house, too. Yesterday we set out to find a bald eagle's nest right here in Faribault. We never found the nest, but did see two eagles. I took photos, but have yet to view them. The eagles soared so high I doubt I will have anything worth posting.

    1. We are safely home, it's almost 3pm in Rochester and it just started snowing, no problem with the travel. Rick and I saw 2 sets of eagles on the way home today. It's a bummer that you didnt find the nest, I hope your photo's turn out.

  3. I'm thankful to hear you didn't have any travel issues on your drive home. Randy left work around 3:30 and it was a difficult drive with minimal visibility, icy roads and "crazy drivers" (his words). How wonderful that you saw those eagles.
