A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

This Day...

He walked into my life 41 years ago, 
I remember the day like it was yesterday. 
 I was standing in the kitchen of Ramada Inn (on South Broadway) with my friend Deb. 
My first day at a new job as waitress and I see this handsome auburn-haired guy walk by me and I melted. I don't even remember if we made eye contact but somehow I just had this feeling that HE was the one! He was 17 and  I was 15. We started dating about 5 months after we met and continued to hangout together for 5 years. We finished college, then the logical thing happened.... 
we got married.  
 36 years of marriage + 5 more dating years = 41 years of... "I can't believe he's mine"!
So young.... best decision of my life!

By his everyday example, this man has challenged my character.
He has taught me many things just by who he is and the way he conducts himself. 
He has demonstrated the qualities of a good marriage... that of patience, humility and selfless love!
He has shown me the love of Jesus, in the way he lives his life, and the way he loves his family.

Dear Rick, thanks for giving me your heart, your leadership, three beautiful children and a home.
Our journey isn't perfect but it's ours, and I'll stick with you till the end.
I love you more everyday and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our days together.

Happy 36th Anniversary to my best friend...

  I still melt    :)


  1. That was so sweet! Love you both!

  2. Oh, my goodness, these words are just sweetened with love. I love this story. I love what you love about Rick. Happy 36th (41st) anniversary, dear friend(s)! May God bless you with many more years of love and happiness!

  3. Awww, thanks Audrey. He's pretty great :) If I remember correctly you and Randy have yours coming up pretty soon :)
