A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Keeping the focus on Me in a Non- selfish way.

A good read for married couples, BOTH Men and women! 
Selfishness in marriage is a hard thing to admit to myself, but I won't lie I can be pretty selfish. 
I'm thankful for a husband who doesn't point out my weakness but instead 
gives me grace and love through his selfless and gracious personality.
Click on the link below, it's a good read!

"Prayer is the difference between the best I can do and the best God can do. Prayer softens hearts, downloads wisdom, develops patience, exposes fear, challenges our thinking, and points us to the ultimate covenantal relationship with the One who loves us in the purest, most self-sacrificing way".

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