A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Birthdays, taxes and extended stays......

Every mid March the stars usually align and all of our kids/grandkids are able to be home
 to celebrate our youngest birthday. 
Once a year we head to Red Lobster (all 11 of us) which is Gavin's choice for a birthday dinner. 

Gavin loves crab legs....
and so does our eldest granddaughter Audrey! 
She looks so forward to this once a year event, which makes it all the more special.

Carson (right) our oldest grand, tried crab legs for the first time this year, 
according to him they are just "ok".

My daughter and her hubs Chris...just waiting for their food.

After dinner everyone heads back to our house for cheesecake (Gavin's pick) and presents.

The next day, my son Brice and his dad work through Brice's taxes.
 Rick has the Turbo Tax program so both our boy's information is all stored on our computer at home.
Gavin got his all done the day before. Today Rick is working on ours.

Our "Twin Cities" Grandkids got to have an extended stay through Tuesday of last week,
giving mommy and daddy a little break.  It's a win win for all  :)

 Our littlest watching the birds while eating breakfast
Scarlett and I have been making pancakes together since she was old enough to  
hold a stir-stick in her hands. This time Lewin wanted to help stir, so they took turns.
 We always make "Mickey Mouse" pancakes!

We stay very busy when the grand kids are here, 
the weather cooperated so we could spend some time outside
 Scarlett found the chalk bucket
Lou says, "I workin'" 
 Still plenty of snow
so we swing in the snow
Our 3rd grandchild to ride the little red bike
Uncle Gavin skate-boarding with Scarlett
Some make-believe with spelling casting going on.
She's old enough to put together this Disney puzzle all by herself.

We always try to allow for some cousin time!

 We headed back to the cities at nap time...
 10 minutes into the trip they were both asleep.
I always leave the toys strewn around the house for a few days,
 it reminds me of our sweet little ones, when things are suddenly so quiet.

My Rochester grandkids will be here soon for a Sunday afternoon visit, 
we are looking forward to spending some time with these two today.

Being Grandparents is such a Joy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jackie, I'm so glad you had all this family time together, especially with Scar and Lew there for several days. It's the best, isn't it?

    Gavin's pick of birthday dessert is my pick, too. Nothing beats cheesecake. Happy birthday, Gavin!

    What a joy to read this family love post this morning. Thank you, my friend.
