A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Tis the season...

Rick and I have had a whirl-wind start to our Christmas season and celebrations.
I thought it would be fun to document the fun we have been having the first few weeks of December.
Not so calm... but bright and cheerful indeed.

Decorating came quickly this year as Thanksgiving was late in November.

I even invested in some fun socks.
 I'm not one that usually wears socks but if I'm going to they might as well be cute. 
Target $3, they are fuzzy and warm.

It's hard to capture the magical look from all the lights and colors, 
but I love the look of "Christmas" all over my house.
A new purchase this year, I wish I would have bought this years ago,
I intend for my grandkids to play with this one.
 I decided to place the nativity scene here instead of an animated "Bob Cratchet & Tiny Tim"
 that usually occupies the space.
Two of my grandkids are terrified of Bob and I usually end up putting him away anyway.
 So until they are older he will remain in storage. (the light flickers and Bob moves)

Our family room is cozy and festive, this is where we spend most of our time.

A look from my kitchen back to the living room

Rick's mom made this for me back when we were first married. It is ceramic and hand painted by her. It has survived 3 children and 4 grandchildren. 
I really really like this piece!

First up, an annual Christmas party with friends (and some family)
 always held the first Friday night of December, at our friends Ken and Linda's home.
 We share a meal together and then play a "White Reindeer" gift exchange.

Lots of fun and much laughter to bring in the holiday season!

In my next post I will share the fun travels we had with friends on what we call "The Red Wing trip".
Now that was a lot of fun!


  1. Had to laugh at your big "investment" of $3 for socks :) Definitely not you to wear socks in all these 27 years I've known you! House looks cozy and festive!

  2. Your house looks so festive. And you're right about that piece from your mother-in-law. Beautiful.
