A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My camera and I....

One of my very favorite things to do in the winter ...
(especially after we have had a substantial snowfall)
is to get out early the next morning before the plows & sanders taint the 
pure white beauty of the fresh fallen snow.
Then there's the added bonus if the skies are clear and the sun is shining. AMAZING!

I ran across this beauty somewhere west and a little north of Rochester. 
I'm very curious if anyone knows it's purpose (Story)? 
There are no signs on the premises and a lone house sits just to the right (not seen here).

Last night we traveled home from the Twin Citites after dropping of our sweet grands.
We were unaware of the severity of the weather, it was a white-knuckle kind of drive
It took both of us to see the edges of the hiway, we made it home unscathed. 
We saw several cars in the ditch...many were driving too fast for the road conditions.

 Back to this morning, as I ventured out to explore and capture God's beauty in the winter-scape
Colors are brighter

The trees were flocked with new snow

Love the shadows on the ground as the sun peaks through this grove of trees

Old abandoned house...
 I wanted to go in and explore, but it was posted "No Trespassing"

A frozen river

I stopped in the road to snap this photo, the cows were very vocal

I love the look of Pine trees covered in a heavy coat of snow

Being the "Winter-Lover" that I am, I often caught myself smiling as I drove through the country, the sights we much more brilliant than can be captured through the lens of a camera. 
I appreciate the stillness, the contrasting colors and the peace of the country.

1 comment:

  1. These photos (except for the white knuckle drive home) are stunning.
