A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, February 10, 2020

A winter-lover and grandparents joy!

As a lover of winter & snow, I was quite delighted in our total snowfall 
that came Saturday night into Sunday morning.
9 beautiful inches! 

Rick and I relaxed and enjoyed the view until about 10am. 
Our Church services were cancelled, 
so the plan was to wait for the plow and then blow the driveway. 

I decided to go for a little walk to enjoy the untouched beauty of the unplowed streets, 
so I bundled up and out I went.
 My favorite neighborhood barn
and the pretty flocked trees. 
Everything was so pretty.

First pass...
after our driveway he blew out the neighbors, and the end of another 
neighbors driveway that the plow plugged up! 

Back it up to Saturday....
We love watching our grandkids participate in their activities.

#44 Carson's first year playing basketball, this is such a cute age to watch.
On to the Rochester Sports Center for Audrey's gymnastic's meet.
Most of her meets are in the Twin Cities so it was a bonus to be home.

"Bars" is her favorite event
 she's a natural
 (her mama was a gymnast too)

 1st place finish on BARS (I'm just a little proud)

Now back up to the previous Weekend....
 We had little Lew (without sister).  
He slept in the toddler bed for the first time.... baseball hat and all  :)

Our two grand boys, 4 years apart but still little buddies  <3 p="">

This coming weekend we will have both grands from the Twin Cities, 
looking forward to more time with these littles. 
Being Grandparents is the best thing ever, we love every minute we get to be withour 4 sweeties.


  1. Love, love, love the pix of your grandchildren. My, how they are growing. And you should be proud of Audrey...

    1. Thanks Audrey, they are growing fast that's for sure :)

  2. Hooray for Audrey! Definitely some talent there! Do you feel a little like you are re-living your kid's lives with the sports and gymnastics? Also, awesome that you get the littles for a weekend! Enjoy!

    1. It's fun to watch 2nd generation Audrey take after her mamma. They are testing the differnt sports we'll see which ones they take to. It's so fun to watch them :) Scarlett is in dance....hoping to see a recital
