A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Do not let your hearts be troubled

I've heard it over and over and I'm starting to get tired of it.
I'm done listening to the media and it's negative repetitive reports!

Social Media isn't any better.... 
I think we should be socially distancing ourselves from Social media!
I'm only choosing to read those postings that are uplifting and positive.
I will not read the things posted that have already been drilled into us.
NO, I'm not ignorant or aloof about the severity of this Pandemic. I get it... 
I'm a nurse, it's mandatory for me to show up for work where there are more than 10 people gathered. 
I'm one of those health care professionals that doesn't  have a choice, we are required to be among a lot of people, people from many different states and countries, people that have come to the Mayo Clinic for 2nd & 3rd opionions. They are looking for answers and it's taken them awhile to either get to our city or just plain get an appointment. Rescheduling isnt easy for a lot of them, but
that would be the ideal if possible.
Pray for the health care workers everywhere, it is hard for us to practice "Social Distancing" while at work, in fact most of us work very close to our patients, how else would we care for them?
 Last week I was given a hug from a 14 year old that was so glad to be done with 
his procedure, and "it didnt even hurt"....how can I distance from that????
We can't shut down everything, and I just cant worry.
 I will do my best to do all of the things to keep my patients and myself safe!
Though all this distancing we also have to practice humanity, tenderheartedness and mercy.
There is a lot of hand washing going on people <3 p="">

I chose to pray to a power that is bigger than all this, 
God says in Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear for I am with you;
Do not be dismayed for I am your God;
I will strengthen you and I will help you.
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
I wear this verse around my neck, a gift from my daughter.
It is my go-to bible verse, especially when things seem scary and uncertain.
My life verse.

 I pray a lot, I know God hears my prayers so I'm gonna talk to Him.
This morning a read from my "The power of a praying grandparent" devotion,
it felt pertinent with whats going on in the world right now.

My 4 grandkids, my 5 kids, my husband and my family are at the heart of my prayers

 Please Dear Lord protect us from this spreading virus, keep all of us safe and give us peace as we go through the next several weeks of unknowns and concern.
Our faith and trust is in you!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all you do for patients my friend!
