A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

What do the words toilet paper and social distancing have in common...?

... COVID-19

I get the social distancing part, but not the toilet paper crisis. 

So weird!

Earlier this week we heard over the grapevine of social media the Rick's Dad 
was nearly out of toilet paper. Luckily we had some extra!
 Not the hoarders-kind of extra, but enough to share with our loved ones if needed.

We delivered and he seemed glad!

This has been a week of more seclusion as the virus continues to spread in Minnesota,
but there is still life to live, family to communicate with, silliness and 
trying to stay sane for this girl who doesnt like to sit still...UGH!

 We got a new car, this has been in the works for a while. 
 We finally bit the bullet and got ourselves a 2020 Nissan Murano...we love it.

Keeping it positive, not gonna let these times get me down....
 Last night we spent some time with our families on video chats
I read a book to S & L and chatted with A & C. 
It really warmed my heart to see them and hear their little voices

 I scored some hand sanitizer at Target this morning! 
My goofy son held it to his mouth and said, "how many squirts"?
I love his sense of humor.

Practicing Social-Distancing...
My daughter's family lives about 1 mile from Rick and I. 
This morning we stopped by to drop off a new game that I
got for their family to play during this Ho-Hum time.

After the drop off, we decided to take our new car for a legitimate drive
Its got all the bells & whistles....still learning.

 It was good to get away from the house and enjoy the surroundings.

 Back home for a little "Positive energy" and snacks.
Sweet Tangerine

 My Day Lilies are emerging from the cold ground
Spring is coming!

What are ya all doing to keep sane during this time of social distancing?
A movie at home is on our adgenda tonight.


  1. GORGEOUS CAR!!! We considered the Nissan Murano back before got the Santa Fe. You’re looks so sleek and fancy! Nice purchase!! Loved reading your post. You’re a fun grandma!
