A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hows everyone doing?

Life is looking a bit different these days isn't it.
COVID-19 is raising havoc in everyones life... 
What WAS normal, looks very different!
Our way of living has changed dramatically, especially with family!
Who agrees....

Social distancing is horrible when it comes to family
I miss my grandbabies so much!
I do (rarely) get to see the Rochester kids, but we keep our distance and NO HUGS!
Sometimes we just drive by in hope of getting a glimpse  :)
Last night we went to a big open park and watched C fly his kite...

Click on the arrow to see how grandpa keeps his distance
they usually cant keep their hands off each other.

My daughter does a great job of posting photo's for us to see the littles  :)

 Our Granddaughter's sidewalk art

Found this in our mailbox one morning last week <3 p="">

We won't see our Twin Cities little ones for quite awhile. 
The social distancing would not work with a 3 year old that loves 
to be held and wrestle around with his grandpa. 
Little Lew playing with his stackable robots.

We miss them so much but our son is doing a great job of sending videos and photo's.
We also video chat about once a week.... it helps but it's the hugs I miss.
They have a nice trail near their house, they love to explore.
We are thankful our family is safe and healthy, we will sit tight knowing that is the best for everyone.

We had our 1st family video chat this weekend, several of our family members were able to join.
Rick and I went over to my parents to set them up too so they could be involved
We wore masks to protect them.

I've been cooking....A LOT 
 I can cook, I'm just not a big fan of it.
I have not spent this much time in the kitchen since the kids were still home.

Hand-written letters to friends and family....
 A little letter in the mail is usually good for a smile

 Rick and I put a puzzle together
This one has a lot of things we love in it!  
Cabin, firepit, s'mores, snow shoes, skiis, quilts, snow, mountains, etc!

  I cleaned my flowerbeds
This is my bleeding heart plant.

My daughter and I continue to work in the hospital.
Please pray for us..... 
2 of my co-workers were exposed to and took care of a patient who was quickly there-after hospitalized with COVID-19. They were quarentined for 14 days and thankfully had no symptoms.
Brianna is an ICU nurse who has worked in close proximity of patients with Corona. 

***Recently her ICU has closed and a core group of nurses are staying at home for 2 weeks. 
My daughter is one of them.... I am so grateful. They will most likely rotate.

I am still doing Lumbar punctures, but only those deemed urgent. 
Our patient population has been dramatically reduced
For that I'm thankful!
Because our patients are few, we are currently being trained to tee-up patients for video appointments and we are answering on-line portal questions from patients.
This is all new to me, so I'm having to learn a lot....ugh. 
I will not complain... I still have a job.

How's eveyone doing?
Please stay safe and healthy!


  1. Hang in there girl! This is difficult, and I feel your pain with not getting the hugs from the kiddos. I am thankful for Kirk's employment as I have many friends who are not so fortunate to be working now. Virtual {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you!

    1. Yes, I am thankful for so much... many answered prayers! Hugs back at you! J
