A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Navigating through life with my best friend

38 years seems like a long time when you simply think of 38 solid years. 

I feel like it was only yesterday than we said, "I do"

It was a cold day that started with sleet/snow and high winds!
The weather settled by the time of the ceremony and guests were able to make it. 
 I wore a bag over my head to protect the hairstyling done by JC Penny's. 
The Cake lady almost lost the cake due to high winds on her way into the church.
My mom catered the lunch that happened in the dated church basement
Who does that anymore... the mother of the bride catered the lunch, my mom is a super woman.

The ceremony was lovely from what I can remember!
It was a blur...

but my prize was worth all the hype...
If we count the years we dated, I've had this guy for 43 years!

We were so young, and so "in love".
Love is so much deeper than that early love you have for each other, 
oh it's the same foundation of love, just more profound and established.
Love developes from being just a word that you say to each other,
 to a word put into action...

Its been pretty easy to be married to this guy! 
He is simply the best human I've ever known.
We have to work on things just like other couples but, it's never been a burden.
 He is the most selfless person I know, he makes me laugh till I cry,
he is kind and patient and loving! He always, always, always puts me before himself,
it's just in his nature!
He has taught me much, God knew way back then that I needed this one!

Love...eternal and forever is cast on our hearts, as written on our unity candle the day we were married, and again a hand written message from my husband in a bible he gave me back in 1999.
We share a love for God first!

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa Mac'
A few years ago we found our wedding cards, Rick's grandparents are long gone but I know they loved and prayed for us, and meant every word this card says.

As the verse says... Yes

Our marriage has been full of adventure, ups and downs, give and takes,
 with hopes and dreams that have blessed us and brought us much joy.

Our hopes and dreams <3 p="">

We dream big, and trust God is directing our path.
I love you Rick, Happy 38th Anniversary

I wouldn't want to navigate through this life with anyone else but you!


  1. H A P P Y A N N I V E R S A R Y to you! We've got some good men in our lives!
