A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Monday, April 13, 2020

How was your Easter?

The meaning of "Easter" cannot be thwarted!

Not even the snow can stop it from coming.
The snow is still beautiful even if it's suppose to be spring.
The flowers and robins are quite confused.

Not even Covid-19's stay at home & social distancing can stop the 
celebrating of Christ's resurrection!
We still had church..
in our living room, viewing a live stream,
knowing our church family was gathered as well!

I still fixed an Easter lunch for just Rick, I and Gavin. 
The smallest attended Easter dinner ever in my family :(
 Even tradition can not be broken.

 Our kids sent us photo's of our sweet grandkids on Easter morning
I miss the hugs and smooches on their cheeks  <3 p="">

I brought a boquet of flowers and took it over to my parents on Saturday.
I figured it might brighten my mom & dad's home!
"Easter" was suppose to be at Mom's this year. 

The snow came as Promised on Easter!
8 inches of heavy wet snow.
Those of you who know me.... know that's ok with me  :)

Hope you all had a great Weekend, and were able to celebrate Easter in your own kind of way.


  1. Thanks for sharing your Easter with us in images and words. It was different, but unchanged.

  2. So good to see you back commenting Audrey!
