A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

A lonely generation who need us.....

When social distancing involves your elderly parents.....

They still need contact, it's a lonely time for this generation especially!
They depend a lot on their kids for many things, they cannot be ignored despite the 
Covid-19 social distancing.
So we do our best to take care of their needs.
Saturday we went out to my mom & dad's, they needed some things done....

I gave both of them haircuts
They clean up pretty nice.

I was also able to get them a new password for their email, which was all messed up and
Rick replaced the flusher-handle on their toilet which was broken,
then we had time to visit for awhile. 

They also miss their grandchildren and great grandchildren
They havent seen them since Christmas.
We have had a few "Zoom Chats" on the computer, It's a way to keep in virtual contact.

Last week I grabbed my Dad and took him for a car ride ( I wore a mask) 
 I really felt he needed to get out of the house and Mom needed some alone time to just BE.

 While we were gone, my daughter took her two littles over to "visit" Grandma Mary.
My mom loved it. So sweet of them to make that effort and bring a smile to mom's face.

Meanwhile I took my Dad around to a few places to see some family
We caught my son Gavin in between delivery's at his work place. 
My dad's face tells it all! 

We drove by my daughters house and look who we found outside.
We distanced....but having that connection was the best for my dad.

Unfortunately Rick's mom is in the Nursing home, and we are unable to see her, we miss her!
  We are trying to visit his dad, as he can no longer visit his wife every day in the nursing home.
I know he is lonely too.
On Monday we did a Hemmer "zoom visit", Ricks dad is bottom Left. 
I think he enjoyed that!

Wednesday we went over and played pool.....keeping our distance of course. 

 A couple of weeks ago on a warm day, we took lunch over to Rick's dad's and had a patio picnic.

I'm looking forward to our hugs again, and no masks, but until them we will safely visit and hang out with our parents, to keep them in the loop and and cared for. 

Stay safe my friends where ever you are, God willing....
 this too shall pass


  1. So lucky you can keep in touch in person! I had planned to come back over Spring Break to see my mom. She was moved into assisted living right before the virus hit. I haven’t seen her since January. My sisters go to her residence and stand under her window...she gets a kick out of that. You can be sure, the minute we can travel, I’ll be heading northeast.....right after I get my hair cut and colored, lol.

    1. These are hard times. I hope it wont be long til you see your mom, but I'm glad she's got your sister's near by. Ricks mom is on the 8th floor of a nursing home, I dont think she could even see us 8 floors below her, plus she would be so confused why we werent coming in to see her :( Take care Liz, stay safe.

  2. Jackie, I'm so thankful you've connected in all these ways with family. I didn't know you were a hair stylist, too. You are a woman of many talents. I "do" Randy's hair. Unfortunately, he can't cut mine.

    1. I started with Rick and then did my boys hair as they were growing up. I do alright but dont pretend to know what I'm doing :)

  3. Ah, memories of you cutting Rick and the boys hair in front of your garage, in the driveway! Well done taking care of your and Rickk's parents. It must mean so much to them.

    1. Thanks Cheri, they are worth caring for :)
