A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A different Christmas...

Christmas was a bit different this year, as was most of 2020.

Just Rick, I, and Gavin Christmas morning.
We enjoyed exchanging gifts just the 3 of us
Just what he wanted!

We brought some food and a few gifts out to my parents. 
We are all willing to weigh the risks and benefits of an occasional visit, versus loneliness and isolation. My sister's family and my daughter's family stopped by for a brief visit as well, a far cry from the 30 family members that usually fill the house on Christmas day. We had a "zoom chat" with the rest of the family from their homes, mostly in the Twin Cities. 

It was our first Christmas without Rick's dad. 
His mom is isolated from family in a nursing home. It's hard not to see them.
 This beautiful etched ornament was gifted to us by Rick's sister.  We love it. 

During the month of December...
Rick and I watched 5 different versions of Dicken's "A Christmas Carol"

We had a lot more downtime without all the Christmas celebrations

I love to decorate for Christmas!
Do you?

Last but not least...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours.
In October we were fortunate to have some photographer friends gift us a photoshoot. 
It was a VERY COLD DAY, but we got it done, red noses and all.
I couldn't be more happy with how our pictures turned out!
Our babies are growing up.

Here's to a better 2021... it's just gotta be!


Friday, December 11, 2020

Lake Superior's North Shore has always been a favorite get-away for Rick and I. 
All the way up the shore from Duluth to Grand Portage is filled with "stop-and-see-sights"
The lake itself is like an ocean and sometimes has waves as mighty as an ocean.
One of my favorite photos taken several years ago, just to show the power of this great lake.

The Lake was a bit quieter a few weeks ago when Rick I traveled up the shore after spending a night in Superior WI. We had Visited the Bentleyville Tour of Lights the night before in Duluth
Ice starting to form on the rocks along the shore.
Close up of the Ice Rocks

I could walk along this shore all day long

especially with this guy and a hot latte in hand. 

Are you a lover of Minnesota's Lake Superior and North Shore?
 It's worth the visit, so much to see and do.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Bentleyville Tour of lights

I have always wanted to experience Bentleyville
a tour of light near Lake Superior in Duluth.

This year was different as it was revamped to a drive-through tour. 
In years past it has always been a walkthrough. I think I would prefer the drive-through anyway

Click on the 2 videos below to see some footage of the tour

It's hard to do it justice through the lens of a camera in a slow-moving car at night.

But believe me when I say it was spectacular!

So many lights in one place.

A Cute little igloo, with figures above that, appear to be floating.

The Full Beaver Moon was an added bonus on our way out of Bentleyville.

It was a great get-away, the only thing we were missing was snow  :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

November weather was kind to us this year...

Those of you who despise winter must acknowledge the 
exceptional weather that November has brought to us this year. 
We all needed that extra time to be outside and enjoy the outdoors, especially this last weekend!
It was hard to believe it was the END of November.

It was nice to be able to hang my clothes out. 
I would probably do it all winter if my clothesline wasn't so far around to the back of the house.

Saturday afternoon Rick started a fire, we sat out until well after dark.
As it started to cool off, the fire was enough to keep us warm.

My son and his family took advantage of the nice weekend too. 
He sent me photo's of a fun little adventure that the Park System in 
New Brighton set up for families to enjoy...

A Gnome Hunt
My two Grands and their mom at the starting line to finding the gnomes
Two of the 15 Gnomes they found
 You had to look up high for this guy!

Sunday we drove around to see some of the downtown Rochester lights

This light-filled tree outside this Methodist hospital.

Every year the Hilton building displays this Christmas tree by illuminating
 the windows with festive lights.

To end my birthday week, Rick and I traveled to Duluth to visit a popular light show. 
"Bentleyville Tour of Lights"

I will highlight our time in Duluth in my next post.
stay tuned...