A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A different Christmas...

Christmas was a bit different this year, as was most of 2020.

Just Rick, I, and Gavin Christmas morning.
We enjoyed exchanging gifts just the 3 of us
Just what he wanted!

We brought some food and a few gifts out to my parents. 
We are all willing to weigh the risks and benefits of an occasional visit, versus loneliness and isolation. My sister's family and my daughter's family stopped by for a brief visit as well, a far cry from the 30 family members that usually fill the house on Christmas day. We had a "zoom chat" with the rest of the family from their homes, mostly in the Twin Cities. 

It was our first Christmas without Rick's dad. 
His mom is isolated from family in a nursing home. It's hard not to see them.
 This beautiful etched ornament was gifted to us by Rick's sister.  We love it. 

During the month of December...
Rick and I watched 5 different versions of Dicken's "A Christmas Carol"

We had a lot more downtime without all the Christmas celebrations

I love to decorate for Christmas!
Do you?

Last but not least...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from our family to yours.
In October we were fortunate to have some photographer friends gift us a photoshoot. 
It was a VERY COLD DAY, but we got it done, red noses and all.
I couldn't be more happy with how our pictures turned out!
Our babies are growing up.

Here's to a better 2021... it's just gotta be!



  1. It's always so cool to read your blog and see your family. It certainly was a wonderous but different year. Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, now if I knew who wrote this... Maybe John? Be sure to sign your name so I know who you are .

  2. I love every word and picture. May God give you peace and joy in the new year. Ruth

    1. Thank you Ruth, Happy New Year.

  3. Our Christmas was very similar, as you know.
    This is such a difficult year. I’m over it!

    1. A hard year all around. We shall look forward to a better year, it just has to be :)

  4. That ornament honoring Rick's dad reminds me of a similar one my mom gifted to us the first Christmas after Dad passed in 2003. It's a treasured ornament.

    Our Christmas was similar to yours. Quiet, without the big family gathering. Unable to see Mom in her care center.

    Here's looking to a much brighter 2021. Btw, I love the message on your mug of "Choose JOY."

    1. The ornament was a blessing for sure, we will always cherish it. The coming year just has to be better, that is my prayer. Happy New Year friend
