A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Friday, January 8, 2021

The calm before the "storm" (of joy) ...

The storm I talk about is not from an impending weather pattern!

It's not a storm that we would expect to take shelter from.

But with that being said the children will most likely run to the basement.....

 The excitement will happen when I, (Grandma) announce, "It's time for stockings". 

This year we have had to wait for our Family Christmas celebration.
Covid Restrictions, work schedules and other Christmas activities have 
delayed our precious time together,but we are thankful that
everyone has been healthy and now the time has come.   

The presents have been waiting and may even be a little dusty.
Tomorrow we hunker down for the "Storm", the commotion, ruckus, and bustle
 is what we've been waiting for. 
It's been in the forecast for a couple weeks now and we cannot wait to celebrate as a family...


  1. Oh, happy day! Enjoy every delightful, loving moment, my friend. So happy for you...

    1. post soon to follow, such a fun and much needed time!

  2. Enjoy every single second! Also it was so good to spend time with you today! ☺️ thank you.

    1. We had such a good time...every single second. I also enjoyed our time together the other day, it's been too long
