A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Christmas 2020 in the books!

My heart is full...

Our Christmas celebration came and went too fast,
 but we are so thankful for the time spent together. 

Our oldest granddaughter Audrey told me she had a hard time sleeping the night before because of her excitement to come to Grandma and Grandpas for Christmas.

All ready for gift opening

Scarlett got a "rainbow doll"...so excited

Our youngest Lew was soooo excited with every gift he opened.

I think Carson is pretty happy with this present

Matching pj's for these cuties 

The next morning We spent a little time outside to "run off some steam"
2 of the 4

That face  <3

These littles Love their Uncle Gavin, he thinks they are pretty great too.

Two uncles and a boy (Carson)

It's quiet in the house but remnants of our Christmas celebration still remain, I miss our sweet family when they are gone, but know they are right where they should be.
We are so blessed!



  1. Oh, my heart. What love, what joy in these words and photos. My favorite: the last image of "two uncles and a boy." So happy you had your sweet family all together, Jackie.

  2. Nothing warms the heart like time with our children and grandchildren! I'm so happy for you to have had them all there with you.
