A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

January blessings...

January has been a sweet month for us, family time, grandkid visits, and winter serenity. 
The weather has been mostly mild which makes it nicer for us to get out and enjoy Gods creation.
Enjoying a hike at River Bend Nature Center in Faribault, MN

We have rested and enjoyed time together as "winter" has a way of doing that.

I went out one evening to catch the sunset, as i got out to take the photo, I realized my camera's battery was dead, so... This is what I got with my iPhone.

Spending lots of time with my mom & dad
I wear many hats... Daughter, hair cutter, and chauffeur
Off to get mom a steroid injection in her lower back.
As my mom would say, "Back pain, is for the birds" not even sure what that means :)

With Covid restrictions there's been a lot more cooking at home...
Roasted veggies and sausage, YUM!
Almost too pretty to eat.

Fresh snowfall!
An overnight snow fall to make it all pretty again. 
 (5:30 am, on my way to the bus stop). 

Time spent with the grands, our littlest's, Scarlett & Lewin
Our little Rochester Grands Audrey & Carson

I had an impromptu date with this sweetie yesterday!  Audrey had a 2 hours break from virtual school, so grandma jumped for the opportunity to hang out with her. We got "Coffee", had a manicure, then did lunch before returning her home for her 1:00 class.

What did your January look like....


  1. What a beautiful post, showing us the joy in simple things like nature (yes, including snow), family and more. Thank you, Jackie.

    1. Thanks friend, the simple things are the best!

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