A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Anyone else know this love....

We had our Rochester grands last weekend for an extended stay on Saturday,
Then we had our Twin Cities grands this weekend for the whole weekend...lucky us!

We love having the kids, they bring us so much joy.
Carson and I like to play the game "Battle Ship".... I sunk his battle ship  :)

Playing Scattagories...so much concentration

A little sledding in our front yard
Grandpa made a little "jump" for them

Time to warm up with some hot cocoa.

My littlest Lew, brought me some breakfast Sunday morning...
Spaghetti and meatball, playdoh style

Scarlett enjoying some ice cream

Bedtime stories with Grandpa.

We got the cousins together on Saturday afternoon. 
Here they congregate in the "grandkids room".
 I love having them all together.

Uncle Gavin is so fun, he gave the boys a ride on his legs across the kitchen floor.
and carried Scarlett down the escalator at Scheels...
She was afraid she might fall, so Uncle Gavin to the rescue. <3

With the bitter cold temps we were unable to take the kids outside this weekend,
 so we decided to go to the mall (with masks) and let them run!
Little Lew found a crate of balls, we had the area to ourselves, so it was fun to 
play with the balls for awhile. 

Taking the littles back home...guess we tuckered them out

We miss them all when they are not here, and look forward to our next time together.


  1. Oh, my heart. I feel and see the love and am so glad you and Rick had this time with the grands and they with each other. My favorite pic: Gavin carrying Scar down the escalator.

    1. I love that photo too. The kids just adore Uncle Gavin and he Loves them too!
