A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

A look back on February...

February can be a hard month... for some.
This year we had a mild beginning to winter, but most forget and dwell on the 
present sub-below temperatures.
I've overheard some talk about moving to warmer climate. Not me.
I Love the change of seasons, but sometimes catch myself complaining a bit about
 the heat and humidity of summer.
Sometimes I think about moving to Alaska in the summer, Ha. 

I thought I would post a few photo's that have brought me joy this February.
Yesterday morning I pulled the car over to stop and appreciate this beautiful sundog

I find beauty in winter, 
and tranquility.

A box of candy sent to me by a patient. 
Dark Chocolate is my favorite, I shared these with my co-workers.

Homemade Chocolate chip cookies for Rick on Valentines Day (his mom's recipe) 

Two of my favorite things....Coffee and snow

All 4 of these little we here in February, these just warm my heart!

I bought myself a Hyacinth bulb at Trader Jo's, and watched it bloom over about a weeks time,
the aroma this small flower puts off is intoxication, so lovely!

My next door neighbor is so good to send photo's of our cabin during the winter months when we cant be there. We are looking forward to heading back up north in a few short months.

 Now that February is almost in the books...
I took this photo a few years ago at Breezy Point Cabins in Two Harbors. 
We are heading back up the end of March, We cannot wait to watch the sunrise over Lake Superior, one of our other favorite places to be.


  1. Thanks for sharing your February joys. I love this photo essay.

    I just bought the same type of hyacinth (except blue) in a vase of water at Aldi and gave it to Caleb. I asked him to please send a photo when it blooms. Your image proves that the bulb actually will bloom.

    1. Yes, it blooms for real and the smell is amazing. This is the 2nd year in a row I've bought one at Trader Jo's. I will have to check out Aldi's as well. Trader Jo's is out and I would like another one. I'm glad you got to see Caleb :)
