A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Road trippin' with Dad

My parents are officially vaccinated, YAY!

We finished up with Dad's 2nd shot on Saturday,
 then he and I went out to celebrate with a little road trip. 
 Alway....always country roads, 
this time we headed west of Rochester towards my mom's old stomping grounds.

First stop, lunch in Mantorville. Dad loves to go out for meals...
I will not deprive him the things he loves, drives in the country and eating out!  
The days are short and dementia has moved in, so I will do those things he loves to do despite this time of Covid. We enjoyed "breakfast" for lunch with some conversation 
but mostly just being together, he and I. 
Doing what we love to do.

After lunch we headed a bit more west on the country roads in search of my mom's farmstead.
I will tell you that the area around West Concord is flat and every corner and road looks the same.
We grew up going to grandma's farm, but when you're not the driver,
 you pay no attention to directions.
Found it!
At least what's left of it. All that remains is the milk house, silo and foundation of the barn.
I have fond memories of playing in the haymow and chasing the chickens, and of course Grandmas sugar donuts! 
This farm belonged to my Maternal great-grandparents, my Grandma (and grandpa) eventually took it over from her parents. (The Madsen Farm)

Across one of my Grandparent's fields was my Great-grandpa's farm, (grandpa's parents).  
I never "knew" that farm, nor did I ever get to know my grandpa, he died before I was born. 
Just from stories I've heard I know I would have loved him!
Here's whats left of the Thomas Farm. (Paternal great-grandparents)
 A pump house and windmill.

I love this!

We got back to Rochester and decided to swing by my 
daughters house to see if anyone was out.
Dad got to see his great-grandson Carson, they chatted for a few minutes then it was back to having fun in the snow with friends.

It was a good day! 


  1. Oh, Jackie, this post, these photos, this day with your dad simply brings me joy. So thankful you had this special day with your dad.

  2. My favorite is Carson's sweet little face looking in the window at your dad.
