A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Winter/spring getaway... Part One

Our kids tease us about what would seem backwards to most... 
Our "get-away" in the winter is to head up north instead of south like alot folks do. 
We want quiet time, time to just BE!  We get that when we head "UpNorth". 
We do get out and see things that's part of the quiet for us, the hikes and peace of being the only ones on a beach in March. When we are at the cabin there is no cleaning,
 no "things that have to be done", we read, and blog, talk, play games, rest and listen to the waves... it's our place to relax.

We always hit-up Duluth first, such a pretty city.

Duluth beach was a perfect afternoon break, 60 degrees and sunny.

He likes to read, I wanna play in the sand.

We walked out to the light house and snooped in the shops then headed to Two Harbors
where our cabin awaited us...

click on the link above to checkout this place

It's Cabin #9 this year, 

Everything here is quality, from the cleanliness, to the granite countertops, but still "cabiny"
The kitchen is small but has it all!

Living room is cozy with a gas fireplace, and great view of the ocean lake 😁

Big bathroom

Our bedroom, lakeside. We also have a 2nd bedroom, that's where all our stuff goes.

The view.

Morning sunrise

Monday morning I was up to watch the sunrise over Lake Superior.
For my 60th birthday, Brianna gifted me with this glass ball... to make photography fun. 
I saved it for this.... I love it!

Stay tuned for more of our adventures on the North shore.
More posts to come 


  1. Looks lovely! I like to keep our stuff in extra rooms too :)

  2. Thanks Cheri, it's so pretty up here. Lots of big waves today, but cold! Brrrrr

  3. Oh, Jackie, I can see why you love your winter retreat. The natural beauty, the sun and sand and the cabin. We'll have to consider this. It has been a long long time since we've been to the Duluth area. Probably decades, because I can't remember.

  4. So much to see and do without having to go “inside”!
